Monday, January 25, 2010

Super powers

To be or not to be? What is the meaning of life? Why? Those are the questions. If I could have any super power I wanted I would chose to have the ability to answer any question I wanted. Specifically those pre mentioned. Why? Well I cannot answer that because I do not have that super power.
To be able to answer any question would mean that when the evil villain is holding some civilians hostage I can save them simply by thinking how. After that I lay my overly elaborate plan into action and after it fails I will come up with a better, less complex plan that the evil villain will fall into and will then be locked up in jail. This less complex plan will probably consist of a big pit dug in the ground and some leaves over top to disguise it.
As for the meaning of life the answer is obviously 42. And To the question why, because I cannot answer that I must make do with saying why not? Yes levitation is great and laser eyes are awesome, but if you know the way to defeat them then their superpower is useless. As well as answering the questions previously mentioned it would be of great significance to know other things. Like how to become evil overloads of the world and I would then be able to implement the list of 100 things to do.

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