Monday, May 31, 2010


While writing my L.A. exam the furthest thing from my mind was in fact the L.A. exam.  In fact not very much was actually going imagethrough my mind at the time.  The same applies to me while I am writing this blog.  The same also applies tome while you are reading this blog.  No matter what time of day or night it is I am trying to get a little more sleep, eat a little more food, or play another five minutes of video games. 

The simple fact of the matter is that school begins to early and for the first hour of classes I am simply trying to wake up.  I then stay conscious for about five minutes, then try to fall asleep again for the rest of the day.  I would be willing to pay a mint for an extra five minutes of sleep in the mornings.

Exams just happen to take place at the perfect time for me.  As long as I write the entire exam in the first hour I will pass.  If the exam takes more than the one hour I am trying to wake up I then fall asleep again and don`t finish the exam.  Lucky for me the L.A. exam was amazing.  The exam consisted of copying a letter that I prepared in advance.  The rest of the exam I just happened to not notice.  The most likely reason that I didn`t see the rest of the exam is that I fell asleep, reraising the issue of school being too long and starting too early.

The Couch Wars

Roger vs. Bell.  This is the story behind all the pictures of blue and red couches.  First I will describe the Rogers Campaign and then I will describe Bell’s counter-campaign. 

This is the Rogers campaign.  the blue and red sides are equal, but with one difference.  The red side/Rogers costs $25 less than the blue side/Bell in phone bills.

A week later Bimageell came out with it’s counter-campaign.  The blue side is much bigger than the red side.  representing that you get a lot more TV channels with Bell, for $25 less every month.

Rogers was just entering the phone industry at the time and so therefore lowered their prices to attract customers.  At the same time Bell was just entering the TV business and so they lowered their TV prices.  Either way both companies dropped millions on advertising.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Year End Trip

The end of year trips in middle school have always been the one thing to look forward to (other than school being over).  This being  said, there have been some good trips and then some bad ones. 

In grade six we went to Pine crest.  There our activities were fun and we were busy doing fun stuff.  The same cannot be said about our grade seven trip.  At Tanamakoon our activities consisted of: staying out of our cells during “free time”, standing on the docks over the water we couldn’t swim in, and playing bump with a deformed basketball and a tumour. 

The grade eight trip is rumoured to be the epitome of year end trips.  The trip consists of taking a coach to Ottawa where we get to spend time in the city.  We then go to Quebec where we are treated to a ghost tour.  Then we go rafting on the Ottawa river.  All in all it should be the best trip by a long shot.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Yes a lot of people use them but not all.  I am one of the few people on this planet who do not have a Facebook account.  To me it is near a complete waste of time.  Simply having the option of going on Facebook instead of finishing homework is becoming a problem for many people. 

The whole idea of a social-networking site is that you meet new people and share information.  The problem with the information being shared is that you do not know who is seeing yours and you don’t know if the information you are seeing is legitimate.  This lets people be someone else online.  It also lets people access information you may not want them to.  Though the idea of Facebook is good people have twisted it and now use it for purposes that it was not originally intended.  Just remember, be careful.